🌿 吧出现 🐑 myfont
86. 造花卉即可用于的,也可用于装饰目的,它们可以用样的材料制成,玻璃;其作如此精巧,几可以以假乱真。
Artificial flowers are used for scientific as well as for decorative purposes. They are made from a variety of materials, such as way and glass, so skillfully that they can scarcely be distinguished from natural flowers.
🌿 冷凡手写体 🐑 lengfanti
Snow aids farmers by keeping heart in the lower ground levels, thereby saving the seeds from freezing.
🌿 你好 🐑 hello
🌿 啊 🐑 a
🌿 冷凡手写体 🐑 lengfan
27. 伊丽莎白市,一个重要的航运和制造业中心,坐落于新泽西州的东部
In the eastern part of New Jersey lies the city of Elizabeth, a major shipping and manufacturing center.
🌿 test 🐑 myfont
People in prehistoric times created paints by grinding materials such as plants and clay into power and then adding water.
🌿 赞比克 🐑 zombic
50. 北美远古的Hopewell人很可能种玉米和其他,但打猎采集对他们的经济贸易仍至关重要的。
The ancient Hopewell people of North America probably cultivated corn and other crops, but hunting and gathering were still of critical importance in their economy.
🌿 我的字体 🐑 myfont
🌿 小龙手写体 🐑 xiaolong
88. 当有关西部铁路的说规划工成后,真正难的任务还没有开;即危险力,伤筋吵吵嚷嚷建造这些铁路的实际工作。
When the persuading and the planning for the western railroads had finally been completed, the really challenging task remained: the dangerous, sweaty, backbreaking, brawling business of actually building the lines.
🌿 飞鸟 🐑 bird
39. 大陆分水岭是指北美洛矶山脉上一道想象线,该线把大西洋流域和太平洋流域区分开来
The continental divide refers to an imaginary line in the North American Rockies that divides the waters flowing into the Atlantic Ocean from those flowing into the Pacific.
🌿 等宽 🐑 mono
That xenon could not FORM chemical compounds was once believed by scientists.
🌿 beta 🐑 beta
🌿 我的字体 🐑 myfont
90. 美国法要求总统是生于美国本土的公民,三十五岁以上,并且在美国居住了至少十四年。
The United States Constitution requires that President be a natural-born citizen, thirty-five years of age or older, who has lived in the United States for a minimum of fourteen years.
🌿 我的字体 🐑 myfont
🌿 r 🐑 r
🌿 云字 🐑 cloud
66. 鲇鱼可以水存活,还可以在短距离移动。
Not only can walking fish live out of water, but they can also travel short distances over land.